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Martial Inverse
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Martial Inverse

Watch full episodes Martial Inverse, download Martial Inverse english subbed, Martial Inverse eng sub, download Martial Inverse eng sub, stream Martial Inverse at AnimeXin.
Status: Ongoing Network: Released: Nov 07, 2024 Duration: 10 Minutes Season: Country: Type: ONA Episodes: 30 Fansub: AnimeXin Posted by: AnimeXin Released on: Updated on:
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Synopsis Martial Inverse


In Tianwu Continent, the strong ruled over the weak. The Feng family’s young master, Feng Hao, had a unique physique, but he was mistakenly thought of as talentless trash. Because of this, he was often ridiculed and insulted. A chance encounter changes his life completely and ultimately changes his destiny. He formed his body with rare gemstones and finally reached the level of invincibility. He also walked the path to conquer the void and explore the universe!


Di Benua Tianwu, yang kuat menguasai yang lemah. Tuan muda keluarga Feng, Feng Hao, memiliki fisik yang unik, tetapi ia keliru dianggap sebagai sampah tanpa bakat. Karena itu, ia sering dicemooh dan dihina. Sebuah pertemuan kebetulan mengubah hidupnya sepenuhnya dan akhirnya mengubah takdirnya. Ia membentuk tubuhnya dengan batu permata langka dan akhirnya mencapai tingkat tak terkalahkan. Ia pun menapaki jalan untuk menaklukkan kehampaan dan menjelajahi alam semesta!

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